Monday, October 26, 2009

Bumped again

Hi Friends and Pray-ers,

We just talked to Ruth this morning and it sounds like the big pelvic procedure we've been waiting for has been put off. They're planning to take her to the OR around 3:00, but to check the drainage in her hip. They said if it looks like they can go ahead with the pelvis they will, otherwise that will be another day.

Ruth is disappointed but at peace, and said at least she doesn't need to spend the day waiting/wondering. We wanted you to know that's it's not an all-day surgery today. Unless the Lord brings a turnaround!

Thank you

P.S. Please pray also for our family dynamics. Don't picture this good little family! Predictably, after three weeks of trying to soldier on and being stretched, each of us is tired and turning to our own brand of sin. I am speaking of Ruth and myself first of all, and then of course the kids too. Thank you Jesus that all is forgiven---but O Lord, help me to live today differently.


  1. We love you all, Brian! And we're praying fervently for you!! {{{HUGS}}}

  2. Brian,
    Oh how I appreciate your openness and now know how specifically to pray.

    Anything that you can think of that we can do to help?
