Thursday, October 15, 2009


Dad left for the hospital late this afternoon.
As it turns out, Mom did not have surgery today.
Sounds like they couldn't fit her in because of several other patients. In a way that is good news because it shows that Mom is now in less critical condition.
Hopefully they will operate on her leg tomorrow.
Dad said she was much better today than yesterday; she even CALLED us ON THE PHONE this afternoon to tell sayd that they moved her to a new room!!! (Still in ICU though). Quite a surprise, and a huge encouragement!
He said she did remember the previous visits this week, and had a better night's sleep yesterday with the help of sleep meds (which she takes at home).

She is still talking about weird dreams, and she is still absolutely convinced they really happened... we will just have to play along ;)


  1. Naomi, my mom had 'dream' hallucinations she insisted were real that turned out to be a drug side effect (some sort of antibiotic) It was so strange and kinda funny but be sure to mention this to md just in case it is from meds that they could possibly change.

    and please tell dad to call John if he wants to talk antidepressants with him....Wyeth makes effexor and maybe can help with explaining or getting info for him. I am sure hospital staff can do the same but sometimes it helps to just talk to someone you know.

  2. Naomi, dear, thanks for the wonderful job you are doing for us. You are SPECIAL! Tell Dad that I sent him and email with information he might like to see for your Mom a friend sent it to me for her. Love you all!
    So pleased your Mom is in His Wonderful Hands!
    Love you all,
    <> <

  3. Hi Naomi,
    Excited to hear about the phone call. Good news!

    I had many hallucinations that ranged from funny to devastating. (mine happened during the 21 days I was on morphine)

    The best way I can describe them is - when I dream, I wake up and even if I remember the dream in vivid detail, I know it is just a dream. Hallucinations are different, in my mind they were as real as real life and I couldn't tell the difference. Actually, to this day (5+ yrs later) some of them still seem like real-life memories to me.

    Jerry played along for a time, then I had some frightening ones about my boys, so he told me those 'things' didn't happen, it was just a hallucination. They still seemed very real to me, but I believed him because I didn't want them to be true.

    After that if I told him or someone else something that happened, I would ask "Is this real or is this a morphine dream?"

    Hang in there - praying for strength and peace for all of you!

  4. What a wonderful job you are doing keeping this blog. Thank you so much. I'm sure it is helpful to your Dad, and Aunt Lois to not have to repeat themselves daily. Know that all of us in the Wade family are praying for and thinking of you all. So glad to see such improvement!
    Love from us all...
