Saturday, October 17, 2009


I just called and talked to mom on the phone! She sounded so much better!
Here is the latest from dad:
-Mom actually did NOT have surgery again yesterday. They have just had too many urgent trauma surgeries. She is scheduled Monday for surgery- we don't know if that means her leg, her pelvis, or something else.
- Mom is no longer in ICU! She's much more stable.
- She is sitting up! (With the help of the bed of course).
- She is eating real food; for lunch she ate chicken parmesan, apple sauce, and ice tea. ;) Dad has to help her hold things though because her hands still aren't working well.
- Dad said she is asking all the nurses about their lives, families, etc. (That's my social-worker mom!)
- She was in a lot of pain yesterday morning, but they have that under control again.

It was such a relief to talk to her; I miss her tremendously. She told me that she now understands how much the meds are affecting her. She said, "sometimes I don't sleep or the meds are heavy, and then I just have a bad day."

Thank you again and again for your support and prayers. We don't regret any of this happening- God has been with us so faithfully.
One more thing-- Dad wants to make it clear that visitors are welcome now! She has enjoyed the few visits already, and I know many of you want to see her. She would love it. Please call me (610-286-6955) or my dad (484-794-2467) if you want to visit. It's hard to know when her surgeries will be, and we would like to know ahead of time if you are visiting. (My sibs and I may want to go down with you ;)
Please continue to pray for her sleep to increase and her swelling to decrease....


  1. What an amazing answer to prayer! God is good...all the time! We love you guys and rejoice with you!

  2. What Great news! Our God is so wonderful and Ruth is one of His precious beautiful children and He is right beside her. He is so great!
    Ruth, keep up the good work each day and know that we are all praying for you and yours. Love you!

  3. YAY!!!! WE want to visit, can Jadah go in? Did you get our cards the kids made for you? I put them on your side porch (where the dog is, on the shelf on top of the dogs toys).

    Still praying for her recovery.

  4. I meant the cards the kids made for your mom:)

  5. Such good news to hear that she is doing so much better. We have been faithfully praying for her each and every day. God is good!!!

  6. I am SO glad to hear that she is doing so well! My prayers are still with all of you.
