Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday's visits

My dad has been home for a little, but is leaving today to stay in Philly for a few days again. He sent this to me for you all:

Dear Friends,

It’s trite but true that we can’t thank you enough for all of your caring, nor thank God enough for all of his mercies. I pray that our gratitude will be shown by our actions and not just in words. You are all so wonderful!

Yesterday with Ruth was one of the valleys--emotional, not physical. I will let Naomi tell you about that, because I was back in Elverson for the day. There may be issues with the medications she has been on since her severe depressions in early ’07 and ’08. Of course, with those kinds of meds, one is not supposed to stop them cold turkey. But when a physical event of this magnitude occurs, the everyday and the oral go out the window. She certainly didn’t need anything for sleep while sedated!

Now that she’s coming around, there could be problems with a) having been off them for 10 days, and b) starting them up again all of a sudden. Please pray that by God’s power these medications can be reintroduced and will have a positive effect.

It is hard for me not to be able to contact each of you. My thoughts go to you as yours to us. When I do have time for contacts, I use it for Ruth’s mom, or an old friend of Ruth’s who’s not well, or my dad, or Ruth’s sister (the RN!) who is helping me grasp the medical picture. Many of these folks cannot read the blog, so they’re in the dark unless I call them. And then there are the insurance companies, etc.!

Notes will mean so much to Ruth once she can read them. Thanks to those who have sent a note already. We know lots of people are following the blog, many whom we don’t know but who know our family or friends. Ruth is a people person and would enjoy knowing a little about you and what your connection is to us, through whom, etc. She will love it. If any of you desire to send a note, it should go to
Ruth Jackins
165 Ammon Road
Elverson, PA 19520

For every kind of attention and help, thank you. Our children are well cared for by an army of people from our church.

Remember with us that all of us deserve God’s judgment, wrath and endless suffering because we did not love him. Pray with us from Psalm 51:1, “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love …”

-Brian and the kids
Tuesday's visit went well; Mom was very responsive and talkative, although not making much sense. She was actually very comical; she told us about all the dreams she's had, only she was convinced they really happened. She was very serious about everything, and very dramatic in her expressions. She was happy, but definitely "wacky" because of so many drugs.

Yesterday, Wednesday, I went up again with a couple from church. Dad and the kids were here at home. I spent about 2 hours alone with mom, and expected her to be chatty again. She wasn't. She was actually very quiet and "dazed" and seemed sad. She said little more than "yes" and "no" and calmly stared at me for most of the time. It was a rough visit. Hopefully just stuff going on with her meds. But it is good to see her looking well; her face and eyes are looking much better. I just don't know if she really understands or remembers things.
God has restored her to us in body, and we continue to wait for her to be restored in mind and spirit.

She is in surgery today for her leg again; apparently they decided to do that before the pelvis, which is tentatively scheduled for Monday. I wish you all could see her- she looks much better.


  1. I have been praying about the medication issue as I figured at some point it would show it's ugly head. I will continue to pray.

  2. We love you all and want to get down to see Ruth when we can!! Praising Him for His continued goodness!
    Much love in our LORD,
    The Mercers :)

  3. Continued prayers for all of you, Brian. So happy to hear of the positive progress. Naomi, thanks again for keeping us all posted. You're a remarkable young lady. -Sherri Keinard
